Book Review: Strength & Honor II: Dark Wind

Summary Strength & Honor II: Dark Wind by Michael Pandolfo is a historical fiction sequel to S&H: Caesar’s Gambit. Set during the early Roman Empire, Micah, Gisela, Appela, Amaros, and Augustus return in this story of betrayal, brutality, murder, and redemption. Amanirenas, the Nubian queen mother, is introduced as new major character. The story lineContinue reading “Book Review: Strength & Honor II: Dark Wind”

Book Review: Where Angels Pass

Summary Where Angels Pass is a historical fiction by Ellen Gable. Based on true events, this novel depicts the life of Evie Gallagher and her father Hank who tragically passed away at 45. Alternating between two timelines, the present and the past when Hank was only 14 years old, the story unfolds the shocking incidentContinue reading “Book Review: Where Angels Pass”

Book Review: Royalty of Kentucky

Summary Royalty of Kentucky is a historical fiction based on factual events. The story revolves around Della Carpenter and Cleveland Sutherland who both belong to a family with an age-old feud. Despite the hurdles, they follow their heart, but end up hurting both families. As they go against their wishes, Della gets pregnant and theContinue reading “Book Review: Royalty of Kentucky”

Book Review: Beebe and Bostelmann

Summary Beebe and Bostelmann is a historical fiction by Kent Politsch. Set in the 1920s and 30s, the author brings to life William Beebe’s descent in the Bathysphere with Otis Baron, while Else Bostelmann paints marine life during their deep-sea expeditions. Review For someone who doesn’t have much interest in the sea and what’s inContinue reading “Book Review: Beebe and Bostelmann”