Book Review: The Rebellion Awakens

Summary The Rebellion Awakens is a scifi fantasy adventure by TC Marti. For a millennium, the Sentry Order upheld peace only for it to be torn to shreds as the Venn Order arose with influence from global superpowers in the Five Worlds. Without the resurrection of the Sentrys, there is little hope. In this firstContinue reading “Book Review: The Rebellion Awakens”

Book Review: Proud Pada

Summary Proud Pada is a scifi fantasy and mystery adventure by S.G. Blaise. It is the 3rd book to the Lumenian Series. After successfully completing her first mission as a sybil to acquire the Teryn armada, Lilla’s story continues. Callum and Lilla are supposed to be wed, but an unfortunate incident happens, leading to theContinue reading “Book Review: Proud Pada”

Book Review: The Realm of Possibility

Summary When an unfortunate incident ends Ruth’s life, his father Jim couldn’t move on. If he hadn’t been doing what he was doing at that time; if he had been paying attention to Ruth, she wouldn’t have gotten out of the house, chased her ball, and gotten into a car accident. Jim’s guilt and regretsContinue reading “Book Review: The Realm of Possibility”

Book Review: End Man

Summary Death was a good place to hide. Ninety-nine percent of the reported dead stayed dead, but occasionally someone played possum. At the Norval Department of Marketing Necrology, Raphael’s job was to root out people who have faked their own deaths in an attempt to disappear. But that’s not the only challenge in his life.Continue reading “Book Review: End Man”

Book Review: The Cloud

Summary The Cloud is a scifi and action thriller by Robert Rivenbark. It centers around Blaise, a genius VR programmer with a violent past that he wants to forget. His boss, who is obsessed with power, offers him wealth and eternal life if he decides to create a new VR series that will eliminate billionsContinue reading “Book Review: The Cloud”

Book Review: Space Village One

Summary Melissa couldn’t believe that her heart has once been captured by Mervyn Buxton, president of the British Democratic Republic. When he started hurting her physically to uplift his mood, she realized he could be a borderline impulsive psychopath. But who can blame her? Nothing of his sinister side has ever revealed itself until someContinue reading “Book Review: Space Village One”

Book Review: True Teryn: The Last Lumenian Series

Summary True Teryn: The Last Lumenian Series is a sci-fi action and fantasy adventure by S.G. Blaise, and the second book to the Lumenian series. The story is about Lilla of the ruling House of Serrain of Uhna. She has no army, only her seven friends stand as her allies. She wants to prove herselfContinue reading “Book Review: True Teryn: The Last Lumenian Series”